JPG/JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPEG is usually named as JPG. it's the acronym within the acronym Joint Photographic Expert Group which may be a joint unit that's a part of the International Standardization Organization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). it's the foremost common method for compressing images that are graphic. it's typically used using the file name extension .jpg furthermore as .jpeg. it's utilized to cut back digital image files. this can be considered to be a lost compression method since some data disappears during compression. it's ready to reduce the maximum amount as 5percent of the initial size of the file by losing certain information.
JPEG is usually used for sending photos over the web thanks to its superior compression technique. It can support a maximum image size of 65535x65535 pixel. JPEG format files are supported via the planet Wide Web with the suffix ".jpg". It may be utilized as a reputation for any image image file that has been that's created using the JPEG standard.
The most important characteristics of JPEG
- JPEG was made by the Joint Photographic Experts Group.
- It is converted into different formats.
- Most commonly used extensions commonly used extensions for JPEG format are: .jpeg, .jpg, .jpe, .jif, . jfif
- JPEG compresses a picture to an unicode stream and might decompress it back to a picture. JPG standards define the codec accustomed define how images are compressed into a stream of bytes, then transformed into a picture.
- The data format is indistinguishable the resolution of images, their content or ratio.
- The JPEG scheme is comprised of 29 distinct coding techniques.
- JPEG file format is defined in ISO standard 10918.